Karma – It’s not to punish you!

Hey darling souls .. I hope you are doing great.

I feel soo happy sometimes to realise that Baba is in my life😍. I know you too have felt that deep warmth within your heart centre .

What is heart centre?

We will learn about it later. I have an urge to write about psychology, Reiki,crystals,affirmations,journaling,qi gong and so many different things that I have tried and changed my life with. I pray that I be able to share this all with you on our baba’s site. πŸ™‚

Today’s topic as you must have guessed by the heading is about “Karma”.

Actually , nowadays it has been used alot and I really don’t know about you , but I have seen it from a place of fear.

So, Baba wants to change your perception today, shaking your old beliefs a little , hence you landed on this page.πŸ’—

Are you ready to wash off some old dust off of you?

You can stop reading anytime you feel nauseous. πŸ˜‚

karma is not to punish you!

Now you will be like ” Are you crazy? lady .You mean all the pain I went through till now that I explained through Karma was all there to make me laugh and be happy?”

For this , I would say ” Yes maybe, just go through the whole post and then analyse things. Ok . Have some saburi.” πŸ™ƒ

I will divide the discussion on Karma in two to three posts as it can get very long. So, stay tuned.

Let us start now taking a hypothetical example .. Assume that I killed a person in some previous lifetime of mine.

Now, what happens ? As my soul is a part of divine(the ultimate source), it will internalise the energy of the “intention” behind this action i.e. murder (mind the word “intention”) and in a response to that will register an energy in form of a belief inside my aura(mind).

I will use the word mental layer of aura and subconscious/unconscious mind interchangeably here to make it easier to understand, although these are not the same things if we gotta study deeper.

Imagine our soul containing a default data from divine which tells you exactly what belief will be stored inside your mind if you kill a person for “money”.

Point to be noted here is the intention. “I killed a person” is not enough to create a belief inside me. The data from divine contains a hundred subheadings under this main heading “I killed a person” .

So, we can narrow it down only if we know the “Why?” behind this act of mine.

The “Why” behind any action is called “Intention”. And what belief I will store in my unconscious/subconscious mind will depend on the intention and not exactly the action. Meaning that my intention behind killing that person will determine what karma will be created due to this action of mine.

Each time you entertain any thought, speak/write any word or do any action or decide to not do something i.e. inaction, in short if you are creating any kind of energy for the outer world, a corresponding energy in form of a belief is generated inside your inner world (your mind/mental layer of aura).

Quite following Newton’s law:

Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.

Here action was “killing a person” , with the energy of intention “looting him away for ulterior motives” and though the actual reaction I have to get is still pending for sometime later but this has been noted down into my karmic account held in my aura in form of a belief which will make sure I get my energy back.

In spiritual concepts thoughts ,words and voluntary ommision of some act (inaction) is also energy , so all of this equals to some “action” energetically. (Meaning thinking is also action , not doing something is also action)

Now let us assume the belief that was created inside me, corresponding to “my killing a person for acquiring his well earned money” has two parts:

1st is the factual belief : “I am a murderer.”

2nd is a deeper belief which is not visible to me on a conscious level : “I deserve punishment. I don’t deserve love. I don’t deserve divine.”

Your soul very well knows Divine is all about experiencing love and light.

Now, I might remember the 1st belief as a memory consciously in that lifetime but second belief will go deeper within my aura(mental layer/subconscious mind). When some belief is held in our subconcious mind , we don’t know about it unless it comes in our conscious mind.

Conscious mind is active most of the time of the day while we also do many things subconsciously. Habits are a part of it , we don’t have to think about brushing our teeth or driving a vehicle (after a while) as it becomes embedded into our subconscious. Also subconscious is active during sleep, meditation and hypnosis.

Subconscious mind can be brought into conscious awareness through meditation/hypnosis and many other practices. Spiritual awakening also does the same , it brings subconscious mind and the beliefs held inside it ,into our conscious awareness.

(Because awareness of beliefs, thoughts or anything at all is a trait of soul and my soul is sleeping in this case, so I won’t be able to know about the 2nd belief on a conscious level.)

Our aura is our spiritual body, that is not visible to us as such , has some layers. Our beliefs are mostly stored in mental layer.

Now, the 1st belief will be lost in next birth I take on Earth to keep me sane. (Otherwise, my conscious mind will explode if I keep all the memories of past birth and I won’t be able to exercise free will.)

Just have patience ,it will make sense.

Free will is the ” power of choice making”.

For eg. If you are going to appear in an exam , and your teacher, comes to you and tells you “Will you pass exam this time? because you know you failed so badly last time and all your batchmates made fun of you. You remember you felt like a complete looser.”

Now, will you be able to give this exam fully focussed?

Your mind will make all decisions under the recently surfaced information and you will feel this exam is useless as you are eventually gonna fail.

But, you already knew you failed last time then why did it matter if someone reminded it again?

Someone reminding you this again resurfaced that memory and belief associated with it and it clouded your clarity of mind. (or we can say your connection with divine)

Yes , only those who have developed their skills of emotion processing and have a strong centre(who can keep themselves sane in chaos) will not be affected with these words of the teacher.

So, similarly this would have happened to us.

If I remembered that I was a murderer in last birth , all my decisions in this lifetime will be based on that information.

As a result, I might have turned to more darkness and become a criminal in this life as my second belief was “I don’t deserve light.” Or maybe I would have killed myself out of regret and guilt. (Again heading towards darkness)

So, actually the scope of “free will” ends then. Meaning you will give that exam under influence of a deep trauma.. similarly your choices will arise under influence of a deep wound of that memory so fresh in your mind.

So, loss of past memory is necessary. Its not lost actually , its behind a veil. And veil removes only when you develop a strong core inside. (Hence,yogis/ saints gotta remember many things of past lives)

But the second belief has gone deeper , its reaction in your life is still pending. How does it act?

It will become a magnet and attract the corresponding situations because your reaction is pending.

What is the purpose of all this “give and take” ? Learning lessons. (Remember the last post : We come here on Earth for learning lessons , this is our school.)

Second belief :”I don’t deserve love , I deserve punishment ” will make you choose your parents and certain people in your life (even before you take birth on the Earth) who will come from time to time to fulfill the experience of this belief.”

But another good thing is that your soul belongs to divine . So, it has some inherent divine beliefs .

So, while it knows experiencing your negative karmic belief is important to learn the lesson, it also holds the ultimate belief “I am divine” that also needs to be experienced ,(this belief gets strengthened with positive karmas) hence your life brings many people who shower you with so much love , and maybe also manifests appearance of your guide in your life.

So, if I don’t learn my lesson through one situation presented to me , it will keep attracting more similar situations and this will turn into a negative pattern in life.

(So, we find people saying .. don’t know why I keep attracting toxic people/partners who use me , hurt me.)

While our ultimate lesson in each negative situation is “Forgiveness is possible for anyone” we feel our lesson is that “We deserve punishment if we went astray”.

(hence so many rules and regulations in religious practices to guide us on the so called “correct path”) 

The ultimate lesson can never be other than FORGIVENESS AND UNCONDITIONAL LOVE.

All else is illusion.

Why forgiveness? Because If I will be able to forgive people who hurt me in this lifetime , maybe I will be able to forgive my own self , my own actions from past birth. And eventually will dissolve the negative beleif totally and become merged into divine.

So,you must have understood how people in our life come to show us the mirror. ( the quality of their behaviour towards me depends on my belief held inside me not on them.)

You also can understand now , why we don’t have to fear karmic repercussions or what we call pain and pleasures.

Because its here to guide us towards the ultimate unconditional love not punishment.


Now , you will be wondering how to forgive and end the karmic account? Why it doesn’t happen so easily?

You remember the line from above “belief needs to be experienced”. So, all beliefs you are storing need to be experienced according to the severity of the intentions behind your actions of past.

And these can be a million taking into account the age of your soul and numerous births it had taken on the Earth.

So,Did I never cleared any experiences or beliefs in any lifetime lived till now?

Yes and no , We did experience alot of reactions/beliefs generated due to our actions but because our soul was sleeping , it couldn’t experience the lesson with love and light. Instead your free choice made you create more intentions (actions) around that experience.

For eg. In this birth , I attract one person who abuses me. (Because of my belief that says that I deserve punishment because of the murder I did in last birth.)

Now my lesson here is forgiveness and unconditional love. If I do actions based on that , I will clear my belief and end this cycle of attracting more abusers to teach me.

But, because my soul is sleeping ,chances are I will make it more complicated. Chances are , I will do opposite to what I should have done.

( Please don’t take forgiveness and unconditional love same as love in 3D world. Forgiveness doesn’t mean here that I let that person go away , doing nothing about it. But this is mostly what we do out of fear or attachment, actually this is opposite to unconditional love and forgiveness.)

Actually , forgiveness and unconditional love in this situation can mean I will properly take care of this. I will confront the person and try to mend this. If not personally , then taking help of authorities.

Taking instance from Mahabharat , Draupadi headed towards a war only after forgiving Duryodhan.

Forgiveness simply means I don’t hold the personal grudge anymore but do everything to mend that behaviour of that person. If its not possible through me then getting help from another.

But, my intention to do this is necessary ( not the culmination of your efforts). If I try just once that is incredible and this lifts off a huge baggage of negative beliefs from my soul.

 Me, taking a stand for myself in this situation of abuse is just opposite to my belief that said ” I deserve punishment.” So, this action of mine stops the belief, stored within, to act in my life anymore.

Will this action of mine result into punishing that person actually or not that depends on his karmic lessons and beliefs.

So, what I have to is .. do my action irrespective of what will happen in the end with the belief in Shri Krishna’s spoken words:

“Karmanye Vadhikaraste Maa faleshu kadachan.”

You act harsh or kind, there can be a million expressions of unconditional love. Ignoring some abuse and not trying to acknowledge it is not love and forgiveness.

You love that soul unconditionally that is why you want that person to be guided towards light through love .. or punishment in the 3D world.

Only then your soul feels ready for you to go through your own lot and forgive yourself. 

What belief holds us back?

Do I like to have pain on me ..mental / physical any kind of pain?

No , ofcourse not.

But , this pain is necessary to remove the dark beliefs held inside us.

Pain is not bad for you. Yes it feels hard to go through.

But you are going through pain doesn’t mean you are a very bad person.

For that , if we are on the Earth ,no matter who we are, take it for sure we are already a bad person. πŸ€£πŸ˜‘

What actually makes us label “pain as hard” is the psyche inside us that says “we deserve pain and only pain.”

As a result we fear continuous pain , longterm pain , intense pain.

Because our soul is sleeping and it has almost lost its connection with divine, so any pain feels intensely painful , as there is no dump yard for you to channel that pain towards.

We fear , if any pain comes , it has come to give us punishment.

While the real reason , now you must have understood is to get us closer to our source ( our divine beliefs).

We suffer from pain for long times and get attached to that pain because we have forgotten that its purpose can be served even through a few minutes pain. We choose suffering through pain and loose hope because we have forgotten that we have our sadguru , our guides to support us always. We suffer because we feel pain in 3D world is more easier to have than having a spiritual awakening.

I have been using the phrase “your soul is sleeping”.

Why did our soul sleep in the first place?

All I write here , comes from alot of reading and listening to spiritual teachers. So, its on you to analyse what holds true to you. There are many schools of thought around the concept of karma.

Our soul slept because it was painful to see the hatred we store for ourselves inside us. Still our soul keeps sending some nudges in between to make us wake up.

The purpose of pain in 3D life is actually to wake that soul up again and question our choices and illusion filled life.

Hence pain is necessary.

As Eckhart tolle says : “Suffering is necessary until you realise its not necessary.”

Meaning , this pain will make you suffer and question “why me?” Until its purpose is served ..that is ..to move towards light which raise your vibrations and you develop a strong light filled centre . Your beliefs change to “I am divine and I deserve love and light”.

And this is the time when you no longer need suffering to make you realise some divine concept/lesson.

Now , you choose to move towards light even in the absence of pain. Soon all the pains coming to you loose the intensity because of your strong core of light that supplies the warmth and calmess even in worst of pain.

The pains in your life appear to be a surface thing now and deep within , you only feel peace.

So, the pains loose their intensity and control over you as well as the pleasures too. You don’t need pleasures to make you feel bliss as you are alreaday intoxicated with the immense bliss.

You see now that all starts with you and ends with you.

All that is , is the divine within you.

But, How to achieve this state?

Meditation and any kind of spiritual practice is the answer. If you are blessed to hold a deep connection with some spiritual teacher or guru in your life , that is awesome. Just spend time involving him in your life.

You can meditate on Sai by just staring at his form.

I used to do just that from 2012 onwards. I did not even know about Sai Satcharitra before 2017.

I started worshipping him in 2011 but I was not a dedicated person in case of religious practices like lighting diya as I did not had that bhav. And I felt it as a duty most of the times.

I brought a poster of Saibaba and pasted it in my hostel room in front of my bed and used to stare at it whenever I sat alone without any reason. I felt peace within and so this kept going on.

Anything can become your go to practice. Just pick one which you love. It can be reading about him , visiting his temple , lighting a diya , keeping fasts in his name, anything that you do remembering him, or just chanting his name.

Baba has said (in Sai Satcharitra) ” Just reciting my name Sai Sai Sai will take you over this bhav sagar.” ( don’t mind my not so accurate words.)

So, did this give you some clarity? Or confused you more ?

By the way both states are good as anything that happens is for our highest good. πŸ₯°

I plan to get into more topics like how Sadguru helps us in clearing karmic account and different kind of karmas in next post.

Till then keep reciting his name “Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai”

I pray your pains get a little lighter. Your soul fills up with more light .

Om Sairam πŸ˜‡

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